Today, Parkside Motors turns 45! This has been an incredible journey, and today we take a look back at all of the milestones that lead us here.
No matter what kind of vehicle you own, it will benefit from having your cooling system inspected annually. Radiators hold water and a specially designed coolant (antifreeze). As the heart of the cooling system, radiators keep your engine from overheating and engine block from warping, cracking, or seizing with heat.
The radiator and heater are composed of aluminum. Aluminum needs great corrosion protection to survive, and the corrosion protection in antifreeze is used up in about five years, putting your engine at risk of getting clogged with rust, sediment, or debris. Your engine could overheat, perform poorly, and eventually cost you.
Benefits of a Radiator Flush
- Enables your radiator to run at peak efficiency.
- Prevents rust and corrosion from contaminating your engine.
- It extends the running life of your radiator and engine block.
- It lubricates and protects your water pump and seals.
- A flush addresses maintenance standards so you don’t void the warranty.
- Prevents summer radiator boil-overs and winter freeze-ups.
Flushing your cooling system may seem like no big deal, but it’s a major factor in keeping your car on the road. Overheating can warp your engine cylinder head beyond repair, so don’t neglect your radiator and coolant hosing.
A radiator flush can be easily performed at your next scheduled maintenance. If you try this as a DIY project, you will require a drain pan, towels, protective gloves, and eyewear. Radiator flush and fill kits are available and include a cleaner and water solution that will rid your cooling system of rust and corrosive deposits. NOTE: All you can do at home is drain the radiator, while 50% or more of the coolant still remains in the block, so it is not as effective as having it done with a coolant flush machine (like we have at Parkside). Also, you will need to dispose of the old coolant in an environmentally safe way, it cannot be dumped down the drain! This is why radiator flushes are almost always done by a qualified mechanic.
After the flush, we fill the cooling system with a mix of coolant and water according to your vehicle’s manufacturer’s instructions. Occasionally we discover the need to replace a hose or radiator cap, but that is not always the case.
If you are in need just give us a shout, or if you have any questions just let us know at your next scheduled maintenance.