Is "wheel re-torquing" just a scam to get you and your vehicle back into the shop? We don't think so... here is what "re-torquing" is, and why it is important.
Welcome to the new and improved Parkside Motors website!
We had some very specific goals in mind that will be driving all of the content that you will find here over the next few years. First, we would like to connect in a more personal and meaningful way with our clients. We would like to answer all of your questions and expand your knowledge in a way that will empower you and embolden the decisions you will make as a car owner.
We would like to start simply; We will answer your questions in our FAQ, outline our services, and tell the story of our history as a shop. Then we will write full length interactive articles to help bring a depth of information and detail to our services. We believe that more informed clients with innovative tools at their fingertips will appreciate the hard work, honesty, and integrity we put into everything we do here at Parkside.
To all of our clients, those of you who are finding us for the first time, and those returning after years of quality service, we thank you for your patronage, and we welcome you to our new home on the web.