Today, Parkside Motors turns 45! This has been an incredible journey, and today we take a look back at all of the milestones that lead us here.
A car alarm going off at an inconvenient or unexpected time can cause a bit of a panic. Here are three tips for how to get your car to quiet down when it’s making a scene.
1. Using Your key
Start by Locking and unlocking the driver’s side door. Factory-installed car alarms are often programmed to turn themselves off when they are in close proximity to the appropriate key or key fob. Shutting down your alarm system may be as simple as inserting your key into the driver’s side door, locking the car, and unlocking it again. Your car may recognize the key, and send a signal to the alarm to shut off.
This process is more likely to work on the driver’s side door than the passenger’s. If the door is already locked, you might have to unlock it, lock it, and unlock it again.
2. Using Your Fob
You might be able to do the same locking-unlocking procedure with your key fob remote to shut your car alarm off. Many car alarms are designed to turn off when unlocked remotely, as well as when unlocked manually. Use the buttons on your fob to lock and unlock your car.
If the locks to not respond, you may be out of range (in which case, just move closer to the car), or the batteries in your key fob may be depleted. If the batteries are dead, replace them and try again. If the locks respond to the fob, but the alarm continues to blare, you might need to take your vehicle to be professionally repaired. For professional help, get in touch with us right here.
3. Using the Panic Button
Ensure you haven’t accidentally hit the panic button. Many key fobs have a brightly coloured button on them, referred to as the “panic button,” which activates a system similar to your car alarm. The panic button will cause the horn to honk and lights to flash. After a certain period, most panic alarms turn themselves off. To immediately quiet your car down after accidentally hitting the panic button, try hitting the panic button again. If this doesn’t work, you might need to get in your car, turn the engine on, and start driving.