In this article, we explain 4 key signs of faulty tie rods. As a critical component of your steering linkage, you need to be able to recognize when they're bad.
At Parkside, we are huge fans of old cars staying on the road. However, as any classic car owner will know, it can be maddening to track down rattles and noises.
Recalls happen for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes, it is a minor issue that you wouldn't even notice. Other times, it's something that should be taken care of ASAP.
Headlights are a critical safety device, especially as fall approaches. Here are the reasons for flickering headlights and what you can do to fix the problem.
Run flat tires are all the rage, but they aren't right for everyone (or every vehicle). Here is a list of the pros and cons, so you can make an informed choice.
Jumper cables might be the most important part of your automotive safety kit. Here is how to choose the best set of cables that work for you and your car.
Are you in the market? Buying a used car can be intimidating - no one wants a lemon. Here is a checklist to help you navigate your next new car purchase.
As the weather improves, more and more cyclists will be exiting hibernation and taking to the streets. Here are a few tips on how to safely share the road.