Many modern motorists still prefer manual transmissions, and they'll give you a litany of reasons why. But, is fuel efficiency a reason to choose stick?
When people get their first car, they are typically barraged with various rules of thumb and old wisdom. Some of this is great, but some needs updating.
There is a ton of false information out there. Some of it is misguided, and some of it is just left over from when vehicles were made in a different way to completely different regulations. This week we decide if coasting in neutral to save fuel is a fact or myth.
As with most old wives tales and myths, they are rooted in at least a bit of truth. The question is, how much truth are we talking about here? This week we examine the adage that you can replace a snapped belt with pantyhose in a much truth is there?
There is a ton of false information out there. Some of it is is partially true, some is completely misguided. But what about cracking an egg in your radiator to stop a leak? Get the skinny from our technicians as we put this myth to the test.