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You can call or send us a message for appointments.

519 Ellice Street
Victoria, BC
V8T 2G8

(250) 382-1113 Mon-Fri 8am - 5PM

New Service Resources

Learn everything about how we perform our services with complete transparency. Time, expense, procedure, descriptions, FAQs, and team members all profiled here. We will build out these services pages over the next few months to help serve and educate our clients even better.

Tips: Sunroofs in Winter

During the winter, which is more like the rainy season in Victoria, there is a common problem that pops up in regards to sunroofs. We live in the perfect city for an open top vehicle, but the constant wet and rain brings leaks and flooding along with it. This is the type of problem where the maintenance is cheap and effective, while the damage caused by leaving it too long can be expensive and inconvenient.

Top Ten Posts of 2014

After a wonderful year of blogging about automotive care, answering customer questions, and giving tips about how to save time and money, we put together our top ten most popular posts from 2014.

Front End Repair Round-Up

We were hard at work last month writing in-depth articles about all aspects of front end repair. We learned about what causes steering and suspension problems, the easy way to prevent driveshaft issues, and how often to change your power steering fluid to keep your car running smoothly. Take a look at this front-end article round-up and follow the links to get more information.

Need to Know: Power Steering Fluid

Power steering is provided on almost all cars via a hydraulic pump which assists the driver in turning the steering wheel with manageable effort. Like all fluids in your vehicle, power steering fluid wears out over time and must be replaced in order to ensure proper vehicle control and the longevity of steering components.

Need to Know: Drive Shafts

Today we are giving you a little insight on problems that arise with driveshafts, axle shafts, and CV joints. The most important takeaway, though, is that these problems can be caught and repair quickly and effectively. All you need to do is be sure to bring your car in for its regularly scheduled oil change and we inspect these parts to catch any issues before they become big problems.

Need to Know: Suspension & Steering

You know the old story of the frog in the boiling pot of water? It heats up so gradually he doesn't even notice until it is too late. That is a good analogy for steering and suspension problems. The symptoms are very gradual and they are easy to miss. That is why we take every car that comes in for an oil change out for a test drive. We notice these symptoms right away and do a front end inspection to make sure your steering and suspension systems are up to snuff.

Q&A: When should I switch to my winter tires?

As the weather starts to to turn you are right to be thinking about switching over to your winter tires. When is the right time to do it to stay safe? We give you all the details in this week's Q&A.

Need to Know: Belt Inspection

Your car's charging system is a veritable merry-go-round of energy transfer. Let's look at how belts keep your charged up and on the road, and what we can do to help keep your charging system in tip-top shape the next time you are in for an oil change.

Need to Know: Battery Load Tests

You know when you are waiting for the ferry and you see that one stranded car from the previous sailing? His car died after 20 minutes of listening to the radio without the car running. This is not typical, and a simple battery load test would have saved him the biggest hassle in island living. Learn more about how to prevent this issue right here.

Need to Know: Batteries

We like to say that knowledge is power, but in this case, knowledge about your car battery actually IS power. Let’s take a quick look at how batteries work, how to maintain them, and how to get out in front of a failing battery before you are left stranded.

Brakes: Round-Up

We were hard at work last month writing in-depth articles about all aspect of brake service. We learned how the brakes work, how we maintain and repair them, what to do when your brake light comes on, and when it is time for a brake fluid flush to keep everything working smoothly. Welcome to the Need To Know Brakes Round-Up.
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